Members of the Fluvanna Community Historical Society Set Date for the Society's Yearly Business Meeting; Registration for Online and In-Person Meeting Now Open
The Annual Meeting of the Fluvanna Community Historical Society (FCHS) will take place this year on January 21, 2023 at 2:00 PM. All members in current and good standing may attend the meeting, nominate and vote for officers and board members of the Society and conduct other business pursuant to the FCHS constitution, bylaws and rules of order. FCHS welcomes community members and friends to attend the meeting as well. To learn more about the Annual Meeting, view the agenda, register for the event and sign-up now to become a member, read more below.
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Long Delay for the Annual Meeting
This August marks over two years since the Society was able to hold an Annual Meeting. Two obstacles prevented members from conducting regular business:
Firstly, the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in the shutdown of businesses, educational institutions and non-profit organizations across the globe. As of March 2020, FCHS lacked the capacity to move operations online and, even when the State of New York lifted some (but not all) restrictions for in-person meetings, the Historical Society did not have the necessary resources to safely meet again in-person.
Secondly, FCHS officers decided to temporarily close the Historical Society’s headquarters due to significant leaks in the roof. A group of volunteers moved the archives to avoid any possible damage to documents and artifacts in the Society‘s safekeeping and meetings would not be held in the historic Meeting House until the roof would be replaced.
Since then, the Historical Society made significant progress. Due in no small part to the generosity of the Microsoft Philanthropies and FCHS members, the Historical Society obtained cloud-based computing capabilities allowing for online meetings, file storage, sharing and collaboration. FCHS expanded the organization’s presence on the internet and social media, including this website, Fluvanna's "Virtual Meeting House," in order to stay in touch with officers, board members and the community-at-large.
Equally significant, although the pandemic and roof leaks prevented the Historical Society from meeting in-person, over a year of hard work paid off; by July of 2022, FCHS raised all of the needed funds and completely replaced the Meeting House roof as of November 4, 2022 (click here to read the completion of the roof replacement project). Clean-up will ensue over the course of this year, with the goal of holding next year's Annual Meeting at Fluvanna's historic Meeting House.
Meeting Date, Time & Place
The 2023 Annual Meeting of the Fluvanna Historical Society will take place as follows:
Date: 1/21/2023
Time: 2:00 PM
Place: Online and Fluvanna Community Church
Agenda & Meeting Documents
This year, the Annual Meeting will include a number of important items for business. In addition to standard annual meeting agenda items (including the election of officers and new trustees), members will act on several revisions to the Society's constitution, bylaws, special rules of order, policies and procedures, adopt a budget, learn more about our achievements this past year and get a preview of our community's Vision for Fluvanna.
Additional meeting documents, including the official notices for the meetings, proposed revisions to the FCHS constitution, bylaws, policies, procedures, etc. may be viewed online by clicking here.
How to Attend the Meeting
Members and others interested people may attend the meeting in one of two ways:
In-Person: the in-person meeting will take place at the Fluvanna Church. To register for the in-person meeting, just click the link below and complete the short form.
Online: to register as an online participant for this year's Annual Meeting, attendees will need to register for the general meeting AND register for the meeting on Microsoft Teams (it's free!). Just click the link below to get started AND copy/paste the online meeting registration link that you'll find on the first registration page to sign-up for the online meeting.
Join the Historical Society or Renew Membership
All FCHS members may attend the Annual Meeting. The public at large may also attend, but only current Historical Society members, in good and regular standing, may vote.
Not a member? Not a problem! We welcome you to become an official member! To renew your membership or join the Historical Society, simply click here or type the following URL into the address bar of your internet browser: If you would like to serve on a board or committee, or volunteer in some other capacity, you can indicate as such on the membership form.
If you are unsure of your current membership status or would like to renew or join the Historical Society offline, email Candie Muzza at, call +1 (716) 804-7163 or send us a letter at P.O. Box 4, Greenhurst, NY 14742.
The Fluvanna Community Historical Society is a registered 501(c)(3) organization, provisionally chartered by the Regents of the University of the State of New York, and dedicated to connecting our community with our past, with each other and with a brighter future.