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Help us record history in the making ...
History is our story. We often think history concerns itself with events on a grand scale, like the rise and fall of nations, the fate of millions in a certain part of the globe or the life and times of monarchs, presidents, the rich and others famous and powerful in their era. But history is just as much about the developments and life events of every day people.
We at the Fluvanna Community Historical Society want to help preserve and tell the story of the people who made their lives in our community. In short, we want people now and in generations to come to know your history. To help us your story or that of loved ones, friends and neighbors who made at least part of their lives in and around Fluvanna.
You can help by letting by letting us know of births, weddings, funerals, new neighbors and other events happening in Fluvanna. To get started, just answer the questions below. We'll share this info. with our followers and/or save this important information in our archives.