1 in 5
Americans report they have no one to talk to about important matters
of residents want more opportunities for physical activity within Fluvanna
10 mins
is the maximum time it should take the average American to safely walk to a high quality park from their home
years since the first pioneers settled in Fluvanna and built the Meeting House at the heart of our community
average increase in home value for residences adjacent to walking, hiking and biking trail
We care deeply for our community. It's time residents and local officials invest in Fluvanna and empower its concerned citizens.
By signing this petition we pledge our support for ...
Restoring Fluvanna's Historic Meeting House
Fluvanna's Meeting House has stood as a landmark on the lakeshore, in our community, for over 200 years. The Meeting House holds immense historical and cultural significance. Preserving this space and other historical landmarks in the community is vital to the unique character of Fluvanna. The Meeting House will serve as a space for community events, educational programs and a deeper understanding of our past. We aim to restore the Meeting House to its former glory, preserving our town's heritage for future generations to appreciate and enjoy.
Making Roads Safe for Everyone
We all want and deserve to live in safe, healthy communities. Complete streets policies make communities and neighborhoods more livable by ensuring all people can get safely to where they need to go – work, school, the library, grocery stores, or parks. They also help people feel more connected to their neighbors, which improves quality of life. Let’s make it safe for people to share the road with cars and trucks. Sidewalks that connect to parks, public transportation, and schools; roads that include designated and protected bike lanes; and streets that accommodate all people, can help us safely be active and improve our quality of life
Being a "FUN Neighbor"
Good neighbors make great neighborhoods. I will be a person who lives with kindness and concern for my neighbors. I will practice the “good neighbor mindset” to make connections, invitations, stay aware and be available to my neighbors.
Re-creating Fluvanna's "Town Green"
Green space is good, green space does good and greenspace needs to be protected for good. We believe in the power of greenspaces to bring people together, promote physical and mental well-being. We will work to re-create Fluvanna's "Town Green" to serve, once again, as a beautiful gathering spot for residents of all ages. It will be a place where we can host community events, festivals, farmers markets, recreational activities and where children can play. By supporting this initiative, we are investing in the well-being and unity of our neighborhood.
Connecting All Parts of Fluvanna & Beyond
Trails are an incredible resource that connect neighborhoods, provide great recreational opportunities and create a healthier community. These "greenways" protect open spaces, provide safe corridors for people and wildlife, encourage exercise and connect us with community meeting spaces and historic places. Spreading out from Fluvanna's Meeting House and Town Green, we will blaze a network of trails, paths and waterways that people of all ages and disabilities can use to safely access the Lake and reach every part of Fluvanna and communities beyond.
Empowering People through FUN
I will join forces with my neighbors to create a platform for addressing common concerns, advocating for Fluvanna's interests and promoting a more vibrant, beautiful, safer and healthier community. Through FUN we bring the community together, fostering a sense of belonging and unity. We recognize FUN as the voice of Fluvanna.
Spreading the FUN
We urge our elected officials and agency representatives, the business community and nonprofit organizations to commit to supporting Fluvanna by signing the "FUN Pledge." We will also recruit our neighbors, family members and friends, to join in the FUN and sign the Pledge as well. Together we can strengthen our community and create a better future for Fluvanna.