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A photograph of a group of older adults, at a table smiling and enjoying each other's company.

Tantalizing Tuesday History Talks

Share your history!

1 hFluvanna Free Library


Immerse yourself in the rich history of Fluvanna and the wider region with our weekly History Talks. These informal talks cover a variety of interesting historical stories and events, and we invite you to share your own history, memories, and local knowledge. Meeting at the Fluvanna Library while renovations at the Meeting House continue, join us for coffee and good company as we learn and discuss the everyday life, people, families, and important events that have helped shaped you, your family and our community. Come share your history and learn from others. Best of all, there's no charge!

Upcoming Sessions


  • Fluvanna Free Library, Fluvanna Avenue, Jamestown, NY, USA

Sleigh Ride Intro
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